Knowledge Centre
The Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC/Library) of CSIR-HRDG is a small hub of its unique collection meant for scientific, technical, and administrative staff of CSIR-HRDG. The prime objective of this small library is to acquire, maintain, work on and disseminate the knowledge and information desired in different working fields of staff which help the administrative and technical staff to enhance their knowledge for efficient performance. Also scientists are catered for enhancing the knowledge through information contemporary to their area of interest.
The KRC provides reference and information services from its print and non-print resources comprises mainly of print books and journals, online resources. Membership of the KRC is restricted to regular staff of HRDG.
The CSIR-HRDG is not meant for research and is functioning as office part of CSIR-HQ and hence its KRC/Library has print information resources mainly comprising of books, journals, magazines and CDs in Science, Technology and Management. Furthermore it has small collection of novels, administrative and general knowledge books which give its lower staff an opportunity to develop their personality and make their leisure time meaningful.
Other important collection includes annual reports of different CSIR laboratories. Thus, it plays an important role in providing information on scientific and industrial research to the Council staff.
The KRC remains open on all working days (Monday to Friday) from 9.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M.
Rules and Regulations
(a)The CSIR-HRDG KRC remains open from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM on all working days (Monday to Friday).
(b) The readers shall be responsible for any damage or mutation done to the books and periodicals of the inside the KRC and shall be required to replace such publications or to pay the value thereof.
(c) CSIR(Cx) staff can borrow only two books at a time for a period of two weeks. Books of special demand are lent out only for shorter period.
(d) Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Directories and other Reference books shall not be issued.
(e) Current periodicals are issued for duration of overnight only. A reader can take not more than one periodicals at a time.
(f) Before leaving the KRC, the reader shall satisfy as to whether the book issued to him/her is in sound condition. If not, he/she shall forthwith bring the matter to the notice of in-charge/staff of KRC, otherwise the reader is liable to be held responsible for condition of the book.
(g) Loan of publications may be renewed for a further period of one fortnight provided:
(a) Demand for the publication is not received.
(b) Renewal does not exceed three consecutive fortnights.
(h) CSIR(Cx) Staff Members may suggest books for consideration for inclusion in the KRC. Suggestions shall pertain to technical work of their units.
(i) Any infringement of the rules shall render the reader to forfeit the privilege of admission to the library and to borrow books from the KRC.
(j) Private belongings shall be kept outside the KRC.
(k) Silence should be observed in the KRC.
(l) Usage of mobile/cellular phone is not permitted inside the KRC.
(m) Smoking, spitting & sleeping are strictly prohibited in the KRC.
The contact details for further enquiry are:
![]() | Extn. 212 |
![]() | library[at]csirhrdg[dot]res[dot]in |
It will be notify soon.