21-January-2019 20-7(1)/2001-Rajbhasha  Official Language Implementation Committee - Minutes of Meeting
06-December-2018 4(46-01)/PQ/2018-Gen(Cx)  Appointment of Nodal Officer to deal with Parliament Questions
24-April-2018 61(04-7)/2013-Gen(Cx)  Extension of tenure of AMAs for CSIR Complex Employees
27-March-2018 8(3272)/2018.E-III(Cx)  Additional Charge of Head, CSIR-HRDG taken over by Dr Sanjay Kumar, Director CSIR-IHBT on 23 March 2018 (A/N)
17-July-2017 6/DJA/2K17/EMR-I  Enhancement of Stipend in respect of "CSIR Diamond Jubilee Research Interns"
20-October-2016 HRDG/JRF-GATE/Revised/2016-EMR Revised JRF-GATE Scheme
03-October-2016 CSIR-ISReFS/2016/EMR CSIR-Industry Sponsored Research Fellowship Scheme
28-September-2016 FD/2016 Return of Special Passes issued by the PM-Security/Function Cell
01-February-2016 20-8(1)/2001-RB Regarding to do our official work originally in easy, simple, & natural Hindi
16-July-2015 4(46-01)/RTI/2015-E-III(Cx.) Regarding Transparency and Nodal Officers
15-January-2015 4(46-01)/RTI/2015-E-III(Cx.) Designated Officials for RTI
14-November-2014 4(46-01)/2014/E-III(Cx.) Information Regarding Contractual Manpower
30-October-2014 1(68)/DS(Cx)2014 Regulation of Attendance, Punctuality and Observance of proper office decorum
23-July-2014 21/2014/EMR-II Approval for Emeritus Scientists to incur telephone/broadband charges upto a sealing of Rs600/-pm
15-July-2014 20-2(2)/2014 The follow up action regarding the assurances given by the CSIR Hqrs. to the Second Sub Committee of the Committee of Parliament on Official language at the time of its Inspection of CSIR Hqrs on 31.01.2011
27-Feb-2014 1(68)/DS(Cx)2014 Circular: Punctuality in Office
20-Jan-2014 8(3238)/14-E.III(Cx) Allocation of Exam Duties

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