CSIR Research Proposals on Natural Hazards to ensure Disaster Preparedness


Research Proposals are invited under the Extra Mural Research Theme Programme on “Natural Hazards to ensure Disaster Preparedness”, from researchers working in  Universities, R&D Institutions, Institutes of  National Importance and colleges  etc  with or without collaboration with CSIR Laboratories.     Some of the thrust areas under the programme are:


1.       Coastal Hazards (e.g. storm surges & cyclones, algal bloom and other biological impact).

2.       Earthquakes

3.       Tsunami model simulations

4.       Impact of climate change on rainfall patterns

5.       Urban flooding

6.       Landslides

7.       Glacial retreat and Geohazards in Himalaya

8.       Natural Hazards & disasters

9.       Manmade hazards & disasters

10.   Weather & Disease


Research proposals may focus on the impact of biological & nonbiological component of the environment and probable preparative measures and technological innovations to counter these natural and man made disasters.  


The proposal should be submitted in the prescribed proformae (Form  `C’  and  `C1’  available at the HRDG website (http//www.csirhrdg.res.in). The proposal marked, “Special Theme Programme—Natural Hazards”, may be sent to Head, Human Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012.