Name of the Schemes(Year of inception)
Normal time for application
A Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Junior Research Fellowship(JRF- NET)a (through NET, in 1983)
BS-4 years program/BE/B. Tech/B. Pharma/MBBS/ Integrated BS-MS/M.Sc. or Equivalent degree/BSc (Hons) or equivalent degree holders or students enrolled in integrated MS-Ph.D program with at least 55% marks for General & OBC (50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates).
Candidate enrolled for M.Sc. or having completed 10+2+3 years of the above qualifying examination are also eligible
to apply in the above subject under the Result Awaited (RA) category.
Age limit: 28yrs b
Twice a year, in response to advertisement in Employment News in Feb/Aug
Rs. 31000/-pmc with annual contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/-
5 years, upgraded to SRF after 2 years
( Tenable at CSIR Labs)
BE/B. Tech degree holders in engineering discipline with valid GATE score; or
Candidates with B. Pharm degree and having qualified GPAT ; Age limit: 28yrs b
As per advertisement by individual CSIR labs
Rs. 31000/-pmc with annual contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/-
5 years, upgraded to SRF after 2 years
Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (SPMF) Fellowshipa (2001)
Offered to certain toppers of NET (details available on HRDG website)
Rs. 36,000/- pmc ; upgraded to Rs.42,000/-pmc after two years with annual contingency grant of Rs. 70,000/-
5 years
Senior Research Fellowship (SRF)a (1950)
As Given in the Website Age limit: 32 years b
Advertised in Employment News
Basic Sciences : Rs. 35000/- pmc ; Engineering and Medical Sciences: Rs. 35000/- pmc with annual contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/- for all
3 years;
total JRF + SRF tenure: 5 years
Research Associateship (RA) (1950)
As Given in the Website Age limit: 35 years b
Advertised in Employment News
Rs.47000/-pmc,d or Rs. 49000/-pmc,d or Rs. 54000/-pmc,d with annual contingency grant of Rs. 20,000/- for all
3 years
CSIR Nehru Science PDF
(Tenable at CSIR Labs)
Within 3 years of Award of Ph D or those who have submitted or about to submit their Ph D Thesis. Publications Mandatory Age limit: 32 years b
Any time of the Year
Rs. 65000/-pmc or with annual contingency grant of Rs. 3.0 Lakh
Usually 2 years
Senior Research Associateship e(SRA-Scientist Pool) (1958)
Agricultural, Chemical, Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean & Planetary, Life, Materials, Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research and Computer and Physical Sciences Science: PhD followed by two (2) years of research/teaching experience.
Pharmaceutical/Veterinary and Engineering Sciences: Fresh PhD or thesis submitted in Pharmaceutics/ Veterinary Sciences and engineering/ technology, respectively;
Medical Sciences: MD/MS/MDS or equivalent degree followed by two years of Residency in Hospital, or equivalent experience, or research experience, or higher degrees;
And Publication(s); Age limit : 40 years
Any time of the year
Basic Rs. 21,000/- to Rs. 25,810/- plus allowances
3 years
B Extramural Research Schemes
Emeritus Scientiste (ES)
Eminent Superannuated Scientists/Technologists
Any time of the year
Rs. 20,000/- pm (honorarium); a suitable contingency grant & a Research Fellow /Associate
3 years; extendable by 2 more years upto 65 years of age
Funding of Research Schemese (RS)
Faculty/Scientists employed in universities, research institutions and R&D units
Any time of the year
Normally up to Rs. 15 lakhs
Usually 3 years
Funding of Sponsored Research Schemese
Faculty/Scientists employed in universities, research institutions and R&D units Tie up with CSIR labs is a requirement
Any time of the year
Varies, up to Rs. 25 lakhs
Usually 3 years
Grant for Journalse
Only journals brought out in Indian languages with the sole objective of popularizing science
Any time of the year
Normally varies between Rs. 10,000/- and Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum
Year to year basis
C Promoting Knowledge Sharing through Grants
Travel Grante (PTG)
Research Fellows/Associates, whose papers have been accepted for presentation in international conferences
Any time of the year, preferably 3 months before the event
Full or partial grant for travel only
Grant for holding Symposium/ Seminare
Seminars, Symposia Conferences etc organised on a national level by S & T societies/associations, etc
Any time of the year, preferably 3 months before the event
Normally varies between Rs. 10,000/- and Rs. 1,00,000/-
D Promotion and Recognition of Excellence through Awards
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize (SSB)e
Any Indian citizen with proven R&D track record of achieving excellence in S&T; Overseas citizen of India (OCI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) working in India are also eligible. Age limit : 45 years
Once a year Dec/Jan
Citation, plaque and Rs. 5,00,000/- as prize money, Book assistance of Rs. 10,000/- pa, Special honorarium of Rs15,000/-pm till superannuation
G N Ramachandran Gold Medal for Excellence in Biological Sciences & Technology (GNR)e
Any citizen of India engaged in research in Biological Sciences & Technology. Overseas citizen of India (OCI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) working in India are also eligible.
Once a year April/May
Gold Medal and Citation
Young Scientist Award (YSA)e (1987)
Scientist working in CSIR system; Age limit : 35 years
Once a year Jan/Feb
Citation, plaque and Rs. 50,000/- as prize money and research project of about Rs. 25 lakhs for 5 years, Special Incentive Rs.7500/- pm till 45 years of age
Bhatnagar Fellowship
The Fellowship will be awarded to active Indian Scientists / Technologists (Retired or in Service), in recognition of their significant scientific and / or technological (including translational) contributions, as evidenced through publications, patents, transfer of technology, honours, awards etc. The awardee is expected to associate with a mission or thrust area program of CSIR or an area of interest to CSIR. The candidate should not be more than 67 years of age at the time of nomination.
The nominations of scientists and technologists would be received throughout the year.
The annual grant will be Rs. 25 lakh, out of which Rs. 10 lakh will be earmarked for travel.
For Retired awardees, the amount of Fellowship shall be equivalent to the salary drawn by the Secretary to the GOI after adjusting the pension, if any, and shall be subject to normal rules and instructions on the subject from time to time.
For awardees in service, the Fellowship of Rs. 50,000 per month over and above the existing salary
will be provided.
3 years; extendable by 2 more years upto 70 years of age
E Intership
CSIR Diamond Jubilee Research Interns Awards (2003)
Ist Class BE/BTech/BArch/ BPharm/MSc/MBBS degree; Age limit:25 years b
As per advertisement by CSIR labs
Rs. 24000/- pm (fixed)
2 years