• Last Updated On: Mar 28 2025 1:12PM
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Guidelines to the institutions.





The selection/appointment of Senior Research Associate is made by the CSIR, and their placement normally  in institutions of their choice is done with the concurrence  of the institutions. This is a purely temporary appointment and Senior Research Associates are not automatically entitled to any regular appointment/absorption. They are also not entitled to contribute towards GPF/ Pension Scheme, or to the drawal of LTC etc.


The total tenure of a Senior Research Associate is three years only, subject to conditions  stipulated in para-7 of the general terms and conditions of appointment. The tenure is fixed at the time of selection.


a) The basic pay of the Senior research Associates is fixed at the time of selection. In addition to basic pay, he/she is entitled to allowance admissible to employees of CSIR excluding  Trasport Allowance from time to time, at the station where he/she is posted.

b) The  salary will be paid to  the Senior research Associates only for the period he/she has actually worked but not beyond the last date of tenure.

c) No annual increments are provided under the Senior research Associateship (Scientist's Pool Schemes). The fixation of pay and tenure of a Senior Research Associate are indicated in the appointment letter.

d) Recoveries on account of Income Tax and CGHS (in Delhi and other  places where  such scheme is in operation for CSIR employee) may be affected at source by the Institutions/Organizations as in the case of regular employees. However, recovery of CGHS subcription is to be remitted to CSIR each month for onwards transmission to DGHS. 

e) Senior Research Associates are not permitted to do any kind of private practice and they are not entitled to any non-practicing allowance in lieu thereof.

f) The dues for the last month of working may be released to the Senior Research Associate only on receipt of "No dues" Certificate from him/her.

g) The monthly salary of a Senior Research Associate (SRA) is credited  directly into beneficiary's bank account under Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) Schemes on receipt of claim in Form-9(b)PART-B:lndividual Release of Grants from the institute.



a) The institution utilizing the services  of  a Senior  Research Associate  is  expected  to provide  him/her with the necessary facilities for work. It may, sometimes, happen that a Senior Research Associate engaged  in  research,  requires  some  special chemicals, glassware, etc. which may not  be available in the Institution where he/she is working, or he/she is to incur some expenditure  on  items   such  as  (i) computation charges (ii) photographic material (iii) stationery, postage,  typing,  and reprints/photocopying (iv) purchase of books relevant  to his/her research topic (v) tours in connection with  the research work (vi) tours  in connection  with  the   interviews  for jobs during the tenure  under Senior Research Associateship (Scientists'  Pool scheme). ln order to meet such contingencies, CSIR has provided a contingent grant up to a maximum of Rs. 40000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand only) per annum for the use of a Senior Research Associate. Institutions have to claim the Contingent Grants of Senior Research Associates in Form-9(a) Part-A: Institutional Release of Grants. and reimburse the same to them.

b) Senior Research  Associates may undertake tours for presenting a paper or chairing  a session in any scientific Conference/Seminar/Congress/Workshop in India. Request for sanction of tour must be submitted to the Head of the Department, along with  a copy of  the invitation letter  from  the organizing authority, a copy of  the abstract  of the  paper, and receipt  for registration/delegation fees, if paid; otherwise relevant documents requiring payment  of  such fees (Tour  expenditure will  also have to  be met  out  of the contingent grant). Such tours may be undertaken  only after  getting prior  approval of Head of the department under intimation to CSIR (Form-7) and request for the same will be entertained well in advance.


a) Casual Leave and Restricted Holidays

Casual leave and  restricted  leave  can  be  granted  for Eight days and Two days respectively in a calendar year. Normally, not more than 5 days casual leave in one spell may be allowed. The Head of the Department/Organization may grant this kind of Leave where the Senior Research Associate is posted, and a record may be maintained.

b) Other kinds of leave

Other  kinds of leave i.e. Earned leave, Maternity leave (180  days) in case of  female Senior Research Associates may be granted by the Head of the Department as per the admissibility  of leave. Male SRA with less than two surviving children are eligible for Paternity Leave for 15 days during wife's confinement  as per rule. A copy of the sanction order must be sent to CSIR. Only casual leave or earned leave, whichever is due may be granted   by  Head  of   the   Department for   attending interviews  for   jobs in India. Extraordinary leave, Earned leave etc. shall be granted  by CSIR on the recommendations of the Head of the Department concerned (Form-8). Leave record must be maintained by the Head of the Department and consolidated leave account for the year furnished along with the annual progress report of the Senior Research Associate.


For SRAs placed in CSIR Laboratories/Institutes, the pay & allowances, contingent grant, encashment of earned leave, etc. & their cases will be dealt with directly by the authority of Lab/lnst.  Directors of CSIR Laboratories are also empowered to sanction all kinds of leave  to  SRA as defined   in the  "Terms  and Conditions of Appointment and Guidelines to the Institutions" given on our website www.csirhrdg.res.in.



Annual report on the performance of Senior Research Associates should be obtained and sent to CSIR for the assessment of their work.   A Senior Research Associate has to send annual progress report in Form-3 duly supported  by publications and a detailed work  report  at  least  two   months   before  the  year-end for  grant of continuance of  Senior Research Associateship. The Confidential Report in Form-4 is to be completed  by the Head of the Department and countersigned by the Head of the institution and forwarded, along with Form-3 to CSIR. The results of a Senior Research Associates may be published in standard refereed journals acknowledging the Senior Research Associateship (Pool scheme) of the Government of India. Non-receipt of complete Form-3 & Form-4 with the prescribed  enclosures in time in CSIR would result in automatic  termination of tenure on the date on which the year expires.


a) Institutions should claim the contingent grant of Senior Research Associates in Form-9(a) Part-A: Institutional Release of Grants.

b) The monthly salary of  a  Senior Research  Associate(SRA)  is  credited  directly into  beneficiary's bank account under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme on receipt of claim in Form-9(b) Part B:lndividualRelease of Grants from the institute.


Each institution is to send an audited  statement of receipt and payment accounts to CSIR, on quarterly basis in Form-10 , along with utilization certificate in Form-11. The unutilized portion of the grant available with the institution at the close of a quarter may be carried forward to the next quarter (Form-11) or may be refunded to CSIR Complex, New Delhi (Form-12) as the case may be. The statement of Accounts & Utilization Certificates once submitted by the Institutes/Organization will be treated as final and no further adjustment is possible.


For maintaining  and timely  submission of the accounts of CSIR   grants, the beneficiary  institutions may claim from  CSIR the administrative overhead charges @ 15% of actual expenditure  of  contingent   grant subject  to  the  maximum  of  Rs.500/- per annum  per Senior Research Associate on Form-13 . This has to be met out of the balance available from the Contingent Grant. Where there is no unspent balance left with the institution, or where it is not possible to pay the same from the Contingent Grant of current year, the institution may claim the amount from CSIR. The amount of overhead expenses shall be disbursed in full to the concerned employees immediately on receipt  of authority letter  from CSIR and a confirmation to this effect shall have to be given to CSIR, within a month of receipt of such authority letter (Form-14). The admissibility of the overhead charges shall be subject to the timely submission (within three months of the close of the financial year) of the following statement/documents to CSIR.

a) Summary of receipt and payment accounts relating to CSIR grants for the year, along with the statement of accounts (Form-10).
b) Consolidated utilization certificate in respect of the financial year in question (Form-11).
c) Audited statement by statutory auditors or Govt. auditors, as the case may be.
d) Summary of claim for administrative overhead expenses (Form-13).

CSIR may withhold release of grants  to  the  institution, which  has not  furnished the  above statements/documents within 3 months of the close of financial year. Payment of the administrative overhead charges to the employees maintaining accounts of CSIR shall be admissible only on receipt of the statements/documents mentioned above and on authorization by CSIR.


Senior  Research Associates may  be encouraged to apply  for  regular  positions  in  India  suitable  to their  qualifications  and experience. Their names will also be forwarded against specific enquiries from the employing organization from time to time.


To facilitate  speedy day-to-day working of  Senior Research Associate  of  CSIR,  the Heads of  the Departments can exercise the following powers in concurrence with the Heads of Institutions.

a) Sanctioning of casual leave, restricted holidays, earned leave and maternity leave account, where applicable, of each Senior Research Associate should be made available to CSIR along with the annual progress report .At the time of the Senior Research Associates leaving the scheme, their full leave account, along with all other prescribed documents, should be sent to CSIR.

b) Approving tours of Senior Research Associates within India exclusively for:

     i) Field work connected with research, if any.

    ii) Computation work.
Consulting  rare  reference  volumes  in  the  nearest  university/research institution library.

   iv) Presenting scientific papers at conferences,congresses,seminars,and workshops in India. Details of all tours/visits undertaken by Senior Research Associates should be communicated with the annual progress report.

c) Recommending tours for purposes other than those mentioned above which require prior approval of CSIR, and forwarding tour programs to CSIR.

d) Senior Research Associates should not be allowed to go abroad for any reason whatsoever without specific permission of CSIR. CSIR Permisssion is required to present  Scientific paper in international conferences/seminars held abroad and the period of travel and seminar dates will be treated as duty period leave without any financial liability for CSIR.

e) Forwarding correspondence  of  Senior  Research  Associates  to  CSIR  with  remarks thereon. Any request, which a Senior Research Associate may like to send to CSIR, has to be sent through the Head of the Department with his remarks thereon.

f) Forwarding relieving documents, detailed final work report (Form-16), and an abstract of work in 500 words, to CSIR for finalizing the case of each Senior Research Associate. After receiving these documents, CSIR will issue relieving orders.