• Last Updated On: Mar 28 2025 1:12PM
Swach Bharat & Digital India

Guidelines for the utilization of the Contingent Grant.


The Contingent grant will be placed at the disposal of the Head of the institution, and will be operated by him at the request of Senior Research Associate, for the following purpose:-

a) Acquisition of books and other documents of relevance to the research topic/professional work provided these are not available in the library of the institution. Not more than  25%  of  the  annual contingent grant can be utilized for the purpose.  All the books and other documents will become the property of the institution’s Library after purchase, and could be issued to the Senior  Research  Associate after accession,  for  his/her  use.  They  shall  be returned to the library before being relieved from the Senior Research Associateship (Poolship).

b) Meeting actual Train/Bus Fare, and Daily allowance, as applicable to CSIR employees for undertaking tours in India is explained below. Such tours may be sanctioned by the Heads of the Departments with due intimation to HRDG, CSIR. The number of tours in a financial year has to be regulated according to availability of funds.

i) Field tour in connection with their research/professional work such as collection of samples/data, computation work,    consultation of rare reference books in the nearest University/research institution library.

ii) Presenting scientific papers in Conferences, Congresses, Seminars, Workshops, etc. in India.

aily Allowance is limited to Fifty Days in a year.

c) Payment of 2nd AC  Train Fare to and  fro by the shortest route to attend interviews for jobs in India provided that no traveling allowance is paid by the interviewing organizations. No Daily Allowance is admissible  for attending interviews for jobs. Expenditure for attending interviews should not exceed 25% of the sanctioned contingent grant.

d) Purchase of chemicals/consumable items required for research work. 

Purchase of photographic materials for research/technical work.

Meeting charges for data computation related to research/technical work.

g) Acquisition of Reprints/Off-Prints of Research Papers/Technical Documents.

h) Meeting Stationery and Postal Charges. These should not exceed 20% of the sanctioned contingent grant.

i) Meeting charges for typing of Research/Technical Paper.

j) For any other valid purpose specifically authorized by CSIR.



a) The Head of the Department should duly approve every item of contingent expenditure.

b) Contingent Grant should not be utilized for purchase of scientific equipment, furniture, office equipment, for foreign travel, or for other expenses related to visits abroad.

c) At  the  end  of each  financial  year,  the  Head of the institution will submit  to  CSIR  an  audited statement  of  accounts  of  the  contingent grant showing item wise breakup of expenditure.   The Finance Officer of the institution should countersign the audited statement of accounts. A  utilization  certificate  to the  effect  that  the  amount  of contingent grant  was spent  for  the  purpose  for  which  it  was sanctioned  should also be sent by Head of the Institution.  Unspent balance, if any, of the grant may be carried forward to the next financial year, with prior approval of CSIR.   If not carried forward, the unspent balance should be refunded to CSIR by means of an “Account Payee Cheque” or “Demand   Draft”,   drawn  in  favour of   “Deputy  Secretary,   EMR Division, CSIR Complex, New Delhi.”

d) The contingent grant for the subsequent financial year(s) will not be sanctioned/ released, unless the audited statement of accounts and the utilization certificate for the previous financial year(s) are received by CSIR.