• Last Updated On: Mar 25 2025 12:02PM
Swach Bharat & Digital India



Proforma for Annual Progress Report of NET Qualified Research Fellow to be used after tenure of the Research Scheme in which he/she had been working has completed :


1. Name of the fellow:


2. Nature of fellowship (JRF(NET)/SRF(NET)):


3. CSIR Award No:


4. CSIR Scheme no in which he/she was working:


5. Date on which the tenure of the scheme was over:


6. Name, designation and address of Guide:


7. Place of work (Name of the Department/Institute /University/College, etc.,):


8. Date of Joining:


9. Period upto which fellowship is tenable:


10.Date of registeration for higher degree (MPhil, PhD, ME, etc):


11. (a) Topic of research:


      (b) Broad Subject area:

12. Objective in undertaking work:


13. Period of report: from to


14. Attendance:


(a) Total number of working days during the period under report:

(b) Out of these, total number of days in which the fellow/ associate was present and worked:

(c) Number of days for which leave was sanctioned:


15. Detailed report about the research work done during the above mentioned period. This should include quantitative results of research presented in Table(s)/Figure(s), discussion and conclusions drawn (separate sheets should be attached):


16. Summary of research work done during this period (in not more than 300 words; a separate sheet may be attached):


17. Plan of work for the next year (separate sheet may be attached):


18. Research papers published/accepted for publication/communicated for publication (Detail of authors, title, journal, volume, page number and reprints of published papers/ preprints of accepted papers/and manuscripts of communicated papers must be sent):


19.(a) (For the fellows who are not holding regular employment with a University/ Laboratory/ Institute etc.).

It is affirmed that I have devoted my full time to research and that I did not take up any other paid or unpaid work without taking written permission from CSIR.



                                                                                                                                               Signature of Fellow/Associate


(b) (For the fellows who are holding regular employment with a University/ Laboratory/ Institute etc.).

It is affirmed that I have devoted my full time to research and that I did not take up any other paid or unpaid work without taking written permission from CSIR and am on study leave and have claimed only my regular salary/leave salary/ or only the fellowship stipend and no salary as provided in para 26 of terms and conditions prescribed for Fellows/Associates in the concerned booklet (strike out whichever is not applicable).



                                                                                                                                                     Signature of Fellow/Associate


20. Overall assessment and comments of the Guide:

(a) It is certified that the information provided above and in separate pages enclosed with this report by the Fellow/Associate is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

(b) My Specific comments about the performances of above Fellow/Associate are;




                                                                                                                                                       Signature of Guide/Head