• Last Updated On: Mar 25 2025 12:02PM
Swach Bharat & Digital India



Proforma for progress Report of Research Fellow for the entire duration of fellowship to be submitted on completion/termination of fellowship:

1. Name of Fellow:


2. Nature of Fellowship (JRF(NET)/SRF(NET)):


3. CSIR Awards No:


4. Name, Designation and address of Guide:


5. Place of work (Names of the Department and of the Institute/University or College), etc.:


6. Date of joining:


7. Date of relinquishing the Fellowship/ Associateship:


8. Date of registeration for higher degree, if any:


9. (a) Topic of research:

    (b) Broad Subject/area:


10. Objective in undertaking researh :


11. Total period of Fellowship/Associateship availed in years and months:


12. Attendence records:


13. Summary of work done. Actual research achievement may be summarised in about 500 to 1000 words:


14. (a) Consolidated report of work done during the entire period of fellowship/associateship. This should bring out clearly the original objectives and how far these have been achieved, emphasising the salient features of the work done by giving quantitative data and its interpretation.


(b) Research papers published/accepted for publication / communicated for publication (full details of authors, title, journal, volume, year and page number may be given and reprints/preprints/ manuscripts of research papers must be enclosed. If some papers are submitted for publication or are published after submission of this proforma, their copies may be sent to EMR Division as soon as available by giving reference to CSIR award number. This may be ensured by the Guide/ Supervisor.


(c) Whether PhD thesis has been submitted:


If Yes, title of thesis may be given


(d) Which higher degree has been obtained:


15. In case the fellowship/associateship has not been availed for the full tenure the reasons for discontinuing may be given, such as getting a job, going abroad, lack of facilities/guidance, personal factors, etc.


16. Whether the work is of any applied importance and, if so, whether patent has been/can be taken? If yes, Whether CSIR has been approached:


17. Future correspondence address of the Fellow/ Associate:


18. Any remark/comment:




Signature of Fellow/Associate


19. Overall assessment and comments of the guide:




Signature of the Guide/Supervisor/Head